Usury & banks !

Dear Haim:

There is a scientific analysis of usury after this letter entitled "Goethe, Faust and the Euro". Here we analyze Aristotle's contention that usury was against nature in that the gold cannot produce the children to pay the interest.  Let us say that there a 180,000 tons of gold in the world, and I lend them to Haim at 10% interest repayable in a year which would be a sin as you know, then at the end of the year Haim would not be able to pay the 198,000 tons of gold as 18,000 tons would not exist.  Dante called this in his "Inferno" a sin against nature and placed the sodomist and the usurer on the seventh rung of Hell as sinners against nature.   Here in Hell on the seventh rung would be the sodomist who made that which was fruitful unfruitful, and the usurer who made fruitful what was not fruitful, thus sinning against nature.  

In England under King Edward the Pious the Jewish usurers would naturally come to control just about everything as in an essentially closed system where defaults would "naturally" take place as the gold was barren.   However, Edward expelled all the usurers from England and confiscated their profits.  That was the end of that.  In Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" he has the usurer Shylock demand the pound of flesh even when the righteous judge offered him the usury and the principle in multiples but he insisted on his pound of flesh of Signor Antonio as he as a devout Venetian would not lend upon usury thereby jeopardizing the control mechanism.  This is the genius of the play as it applies today as if you try to interfere with the Central Bank Control Mechanism you are dead as therein lies the control of the world.  Lord Byorn completely understood this in his poem as follows:

Who hold the balance of the World? Who reign
O'er congress, whether royalist or liberal?
Who rouse the shirtless patriots of Spain?[615]
(That make old Europe's journals "squeak and gibber"[616] all)
Who keep the World, both old and new, in pain
Or pleasure? Who make politics run glibber all?
The shade of Buonaparte's noble daring?--
Jew Rothschild,[617] and his fellow-Christian, Baring.
There is added to this control mechanism what is called the hypothecation of money as described by Lord Bertrand Russell next:

The power of these manipulations are described by Lord Bertrand Russell as follows quoted from page 144 from his "ABC of Relativity":
"Abstraction, difficult at it is, is the source of practical power. A financier, whose dealings with the world are more abstract than any other practical man, is also more powerful than any other practical man. 

In other words, by adding to the gold fiat money, which is an abstraction, you can create a control mechanism with usury that can control the world as the Rothschilds did for 250 years until the German Armies marched into Paris measure for measure singing songs of hatred against usury.  As to the theory of relativity, it was disproved by the Sagnac experiments with comments below by Arno Penzias who won the Nobel Prize in Physics::

Einstein's Theory Of Relativity:

The concept of the  aether was successfully developed from the analysis of sound  
transmission.  The luminiferous aether was said to be the 
substance through which light traveled through space as sound
would travel through the air.  In a perfect vacuum you cannot hear
voice transmission as the air carries the words. That is why on the
moon the astronauts could not talk to each other if they did not
have their spacesuits on to speak through radio waves through their
headsets in their space suits.   Similarly, sonar sound cannot be
transmitted without water.  
Christian Doppler analyzed the sound transmission from the siren
of the train to show that if the train was going at a continuous
speed of a hundred miles an hour, and it was approaching at a
1,000 feet distance the sound would be louder than if it was
a 1000 feet away traveling away from the pedestrian listener.  He
determined that this was because the approaching train's sound
waves bunched up which did not take place when the train was in
recession as the sound waves spread out.  He then theorized that
this would occur also in light waves though in 1842 it could not be
proven.  Later, it was proven as to light waves that a redshift
happens when light is moving away from the observer as the light
waves increase in length which was reflected in its shift to the red
end of the spectrum, and as the light approached the observer it
bunched or the wave lengths shortened which was reflected in its
shift to the blue end of the spectrum.  Therefore, aether had the
same characteristics for space as air had for the earth, and the light
traveled on the aether and the words traveled on the air.
Now if a motor boat goes at 60 miles an hour on a lake where the
air is traveling as a wind of 20 miles an hour against the direction of
the boat, and the boat travels in that direction for two
hours, then the boat travels 80 miles in two hours.  If the wind is at
its back on the way back, then the propulsion is sixty miles plus 20
miles an hour for the wind, and it travels 80 miles, then that 80 miles
is covered in one hour.  
Now light is said theoretically to travel on a substance called the 
aether.  If the same principles apply to light as to air or water in
the transmission of sound as Doppler said, and as proved in the
red shift analysis, then the alleged motion of the earth against the
aether wind considering the aether still or motionless should reflect
a wind resistance as on a still lake where the speedboat is traveling
sixty miles an hour.  If you measure that light going in the alleged
direction of the motion of the earth, you should have a different
reading than if you measure this in reverse.  Or if the aether were
moving then there would be a difference as in the wind example in
the first paragraph. 

These light measurement tests were conducted by
Michaelson-Morley which could not detect any difference in
measurement no matter in what direction the light was sent whether
it was vertical or horizontal assuming the earth was moving.  This
would have indicated the earth was not moving as you could not
have had a nil difference in different directional measurements.
This led Werner Heisenberg to conclude that the measurement of
the earth's alleged motion around the sun was optically
unprovable.   This experiment led Albert Einstein to write as follows:
"Soon I came to the conclusion that our idea about the motion of
the earth with respect to the aether is incorrect, if we admit
Michaelson's null result (that is the Michaelson-Morley
interferometer experiment) as a fact.  This was the first path that
led me to the special theory of relativity.  Since then I have come
to the believe that the motion of the earth cannot be detected by
optical experiment though the earth is revolving around the sun.
This last sentence violates the conception of Aristotle in the law of
non-contradiction that it is the most certain of all basic principles
that contradictory propositions are not true simultaneously. The
earth cannot revolve around the sun if it cannot be seen or be
proven to move.

Nevertheless, though it had no logic to it, Einstein then made the following observations. 
"The struggle, so violent in the early days of science, between the
views of Ptolemy and Copernicus would then be quite
meaningless.  Either c.s. (coordinate system) could be used with
equal justification.  The two sentences: 'the sun is at rest and the
earth moves', or "the sun moves and the earth is at rest", would
simply mean two different conventions concerning two
difference c.s. (coordinate systems).

What he is saying is that motion is relative, and if you are on the
sun the earth seems to move and if you are on the earth the sun
seems to move, but neither can be proved.  
However, a similar experiment was done by Georges Sagnac
called the Sagnac Effect where the alleged rotation of the earth
was measured through the Sagnac interferometer instrument and
the aether wind or resistance or interference was in fact measured
as demonstrating either a rotation of the earth of nearly 24 hours
each day or that the aether and the heavenly bodies were moving
around the earth in 24 hours as Ptolemy and Aristotle thought.
Therefore, the aether was proved to exist and this proved that there
was an aether resistance that could not be measured in the alleged
earth's motion around the sun which meant the earth did not move. 
The latter point proved that the earth did not move around the sun.
It is more than likely that the earth does not rotate on its axis but that 
is still within the confines of relative motion. 

The key point is that the Bible has not been disproved.

Comments by Anro Penzias:

Nobel Prize Winner Arno Penzias replies to above summary as follows:
"M&M began the modern investigation of light, but had no way of
detecting the quantum properties of space. This is very heavy stuff,
that I don’t pretend to understand completely."  Arno Penzias
I wrote the above in collaboration with John Archibald Wheeler.
Since we are on the topic of measure for measure, here is a Neturei Karta piece discussing the rise of National Sociailism in Germany as a measure for measure punishment.  If we follow the logic today, we are doomed unless we are perfect as we have merely repeated the apostate Jews errors in an unprecedented magnitude:

An article from The Jewish Guardian, Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring of 1987 [5747 of the Jewish calendar] 
Proverbs 30:31:
21 For three things the earth is disquieted, and for four which it cannot bear:
22 For a servant when he reigneth; and a fool when he is filled with meat;
23 For an odious woman when she is married; and an handmaid that is heir to her mistress.
The above verses from Mishlei (Proverbs) are the starting point for our characterizing our present situation. We, as the Jewish people, are at a tremendous loss in having so few great leaders at present. And many of those who present themselves to the Jewish people using the title of Rav (Rabbi) or Rebbe – rabbinic term for hasidic leaders who are often holy men, are not holy with exceptions such as the Satmar Rebbe Joel Teitlebaum, or the Nikolsberger Rebbe Joseph Lebowitz, who practice the holy concept of marriage described by Ramban in his Leviticus 18:6 Commentary which translates as follows:  "Know that in the Pentateuch copulation is distant and detestable unless it is only for the procreation of children, and if it cannot produce children it is forbidden". People like Abraham are really angels, because they desire to make use of marriage only for procreation. Abraham was among those I count as the angelic husbands who desire “Godly offspring,”as Malachi says in 2:15 – “that he may seek Godly seed.” This principle is found in Bible at Genesis I:28 in the verse "Be fruitful and multiply" and in the Koran in 2 Surah 223.  The Koran recognizes this principle as it relates to menstruation covered in the next paragraph in which cohabitation with the menstruant in marriage is prohibited in 2 Surah 222, and this is immediately followed by 2 Surah 223 which prohibits sexual intercourse where no procreation can take place. See commentary by Abdullah Yusuf Ali where he says "he sows in order to reap the harvest". Only a fool sows where nothing will grow. That is why the two sections were linked together.

Nachmanides goes on to say:   "I will further mention (the subject of) the menstruant and the prohibition of) the Torah (Pentateuch) with regards to having intercourse with her.  That matter of Scripture's prohibiting marital relations with his wife--that is, in the days of her menstruation--is due to natural law.  (This was addressed in Spain to the Catholic King and his entourage in a Barcelona Synagogue on the Sabbath who were taught by St. Augustine's writings "On The Good of Marriage" that the sexual function can be only used for procreation otherwise it is a sin and this was said in a true spirit of ecumenism.   Pope Innocent XI censured the opinion that the conjugal act is free from fault when performed without any procreative intention, motivated simply by pleasure.  The philosopher Plato, who studied under the Prophet Jeremiah in Egypt, carried this concept of marriage down in his "Laws" Chapter 8:839).  It is known, and doctors have so written, that a menstruant will not conceive during the time she is discharging. This is the very reason that sexual intercourse with her is prohibited; Scripture prohibited having intercourse with a woman (in marriage) except for the sake of procreation (Lecture entitled "The Law Of God Is Perfect" by Nachmanides whose title is taken from Psalms 19:8).  In this same lecture
Nachmanides says that the violation of this concept is visible on the face of the perpetrator as all his other sins under the concept "A person's deeds (knowledge as in the knowledge of good and evil) is reflected (in his) facial features" as God repays to his face (he repayeth them to their face-Deuteronomy 7:10). 

This is particularly true in the case of Canaan who bore the curse of Noah in that he was punished five fold so that it would be apparent to the whole world his characteristics to prevent miscegnation with them which is prohibited in the Bible ("Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son"-Deuteronomy 7:3):   His lips grew thick as he talked mockingly of his grandfather's nakedness, his eyes became red which is a sign of degeneracy for looking at his father's nakedness, his hair was singed as he turned to look and became wooly, he was banished to the African tropics where he would find it too hot to wear clothing as he refused to cover his grandfather's nakedness with a blanket his skin becoming black, and he became a servant of servants as his physicality became accentuated to become hewers of wood and drawers of water (Joshua 9:23) and his intellectuality was considerably diminished (1730 Commentary of Yaacov Culi in his "Meam Loez" under Genesis 9:25).   

Let us turn now to the matter at hand our Memorial to Elie Wiesel after having revealed what constitutes a holy Rabbi.

Let us beware the imposters, for they are really misleaders and misdirectors of the our people through their false teachings and not give honor to those that are the greatest desecrators of the Almighty’s name in the world. We are obligated according to our holy Torah (Pentateuch) to publicize and make known these wicked people and their wicked deeds, together with their fawners and sycophants, whether they join them for turpe lucrum [dirty money], as in the saying there is no business like the Shoah business, whereby the meaning of this great event is twisted out of shape or in the search for vain glory as glory, as though they were doing something good.  They have made it into a religion as though those who perished were a whole burnt sacrifice (which is the meaning of that misused word holocaust) and represented a holy sacrifice.  In all the schools in the west the teaching of the holocaust religion has substituted as the new religious instruction for the masses and the Bible has been banished and contemned.
It is for this reason that we deem it important to expose the likes of Menashe Klein, who calls himself a Rabbi of Ungvar, who was instrumental in desecrating the Holy One’s Name before the entire world by joining in photo opportunities with an atheist and renegade the likes of which the Jewish people have not seen for generations – one Elie Wiesel – someone whom Satan in the form of the Nobel Prize committee honoured. A wicked scoundrel whose writings and speeches are the most blasphemous in history. This Elie Wiesel, an intellectual hoodlum and drunkard, is his ‘friend’, his ‘guide’, his ‘teacher’. 
We must address the presentations of these heretics to add to the book of Lamentations in the Bible, or “Kinos”, new lamentations for the Holocaust. Everyone wants to get in on this so-called Holocaust remembrance, but it is important that this remembrance be in accord with Torah (Pentateuch).   (Editor:  It is eerie as we will relate that Elie wanted to put God on trial as in the New Testament which is a blasphemy in an Old Testament sense without precedent in the contemporary world and that this alone will merit this man burning in Hell forever.)
The revered Rabbi, the Chazon Ish [or man who sees, of blessed memory], asked: “Who are we to add to the Torah (Pentateuch) or establish any new customs of any kind, and especially in regard to the tragedy of European Jewry?” He declaimed against the wrongful treatment of the Holocaust [where the Elie Wiesels maintain that others were to blame outside the Jewish people.  Similarly, Brutus blamed his catastrophe on the stars, whereby Cassius said to him “Our faults, dear Brutus, lie not in our stars but in ourselves”, as these murderers of Julius Caesar went to their doom – see Shakespeare’s play entitled "Julius Caesar" and Plutarch's "Life of Julius Caesar").)  Chazon Ish went on to say that our main obligation and only duty was to repent and to know that the Holocaust happened “because of our sins.”   (Editor:  Sins such as the promotion today by all liberal Jewish groups which represent 95% of the Jewish western population including the Holy Land such as the ADL of the B'nei B'rith of four billion abortions or four billion murders of the innocents broken down by about 1.5 billion by surgical procedures and 2.5 billion by the after morning pill, not to speak of their promotion of sodomy and sodomitic marriage which is an abomination never witnessed on earth since it was created by God.  These are crimes against humanity are unprecedented in magnitude and unique in their enormity. This is what we saw in the corrupt and sordid Weimar Germany the then vice capital of the world as New York City is today.  Rabbi Avigdor Miller says that the evil of apostasy emanated from Berlin in the beginning and thus measure for measure National Socialism had as its center Berlin.   Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman said that there were two gigantic heresies that brought about National Socialism in Germany which were Zionism or nationalism and Marxism or socialism which in Heaven God brought together as National Socialism to smite the heretic Jews with their own heresies.  Josephus tells us how foolish and unwise were the Judeans who saw the ten tribes evicted from the Holy Land for idolatry and then replicated their idolatry as today's Zionists are repeating the same sins of German Jewry. Can they not expect the same punishment now to come on them as German Jewry?)
We appeal to the Yeshiva students [a school for the study of Torah] and Bais Yaacov [which means house of Jacob, which is a form of religious day school], and to all Orthodox Jewry, that they should not be led astray by these Kinos advocates or Holocaust Remembrance organizers. If “kinos” is to be said, then it should be said for the multitudes of religious and observant Jews, and thousands of children, who were led astray by the Zionist Entity, and were spiritually wiped out – which is a fate worse than death. For if you die in faith, you go to heaven, but if you are led astray in rebellion against God and the Bible, then you are the living dead, and when you die, you will go to Hell. 
These “kinos” or Lamentations are available, and are more appropriate to say on Tisha B’Av, or the ninth of Av, the Hebrew month memorializing the destruction of the Temple which occurred because of the sins of the Jewish people. Nor should we be misled by all the Holocaust literature peddled in all the so-called religious stores with a garb of Agudah (a so-called gathering of Orthodox Jews but subverted by the heresy of Zionism), or a nice jacket design of Art Scroll ‘Mesorah’ tainted as they are by Zionism.   It is interesting to note that the secular and very Zionist Tisch family has sponsored Art Scroll and demonstrates the principle that funds should not be accepted from heretics as it will corrupt the receiver. 

Senator Joseph Lieberman, though allegedly an Orthodox Jew, has betrayed the Torah (Pentateuch and God) by voting for sodomy and abortion rights in the United States Senate, and also by sponsoring in the Senate the Zionist Entity, and advocating war by the United States against Arab and Iranian nations to further Zionism.  But that is not his only folly.  He and Senator Carl Lewin, another apostate Jew, imposed sodomy on the military which has to be as fatal a mistake as German Jewry's attack against the Prussian military caste.  Adolf Hitler was a military spy on the National Socialist Party when it had only seven members and it was Field Marshall Paul von Hindenberg who raised Hitler to power.
We must follow in the footsteps of the Chazon Ish, and all the truly great leaders of our people, to keep away from the desecrators of our Holy Torah (Pentateuch). We must follow the teachings of Rabenu Yonah of Girundi to expose the atheists and desecrators of our Torah and not give them honour in any way. And in their merit may we be worthy to see the revelation of the Almighty’s Honour on all of us. Amen. 
Now let us review the atheistic and blasphemous writings of Elie Wiesel under the principle that it is important to expose this infidel so that unsuspecting innocents be not led astray – for otherwise repeating his Godless and perfidious thoughts could be considered a wrong in itself.  
In all Wiesel’s speeches he mentions the Almighty’s name ironically and in a derogatory manner, for he blames God Himself for the Holocaust, as though the blame were God’s rather than the sinful Jewish people themselves.  For example, Rabbi Avigdor Miller says that the motion pictures that are shown and sponsored by the Zionists and Reformed Jews invariably show a man putting on phylacteries, called in Hebrew Tefillin, as they are worn during prayer, and tefillin is derived from the Hebrew word for prayer, see Exodus 13:16, Deuteronomy 6:8, 11:18, and even in Hasidic form wearing side curls, and beard, but points out that most of the Hasidim were practicing birth control, a mortal sin, and this effort by the Reformers to prove the good perish with the bad or pious with the sinful, and therefore there is no purpose to be religious for you die anyway, is irreligious and false.   In the destruction of the First Temple the generalized slaughter under the orders from Heaven exempted the righteous as indicated below as never are the righteous slain with the wicked:

Ezekiel 9King James Version (KJV)

He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand.
And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brazen altar.
And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer's inkhorn by his side;
And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.
And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity:
Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house.
And no one perished that was good, in accordance with the saying of Solomon that he who keeps the commandment shall feel no evil thing. (Ecclesiastes 8:5). 
Here we have Elie Wiesel’s observations quoted from an exhibit on the Holocaust entitled “Faces of a Slaughtered People": "Did he know, this small boy with his frightened face and eyes, did he know that he was betrayed by God and man alike?" 
Here we have a case where the sins of the fathers are visited on the children. This happened at Sodom and Gomorrah, and this happened during the flood of Noah. And it happens throughout all history, history being Divine Scripture, and among us today. It is God’s law that the sins of the fathers are visited on the children, as in Exodus 20:5. Therefore, no father is more cruel to his children than the sinning father – for his deeds are visited on them. 
What is this rebellion against God by Elie Wiesel, if not aphikorus (Epicurean, or the teachings of Epicurus, which means heresy), minus the teachings of the Minoan, also heresy, and atheism. Whoever believes in God and His Torah (Pentateuch) knows why there was a Holocaust. The Talmud in Gittin relates the story about a small Jewish boy who was a captive in a Roman dungeon, and when a Rabbi heard the child was in prison, he passed by and yelled in, “Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to robbers?” (Isaiah 42:24), and the child yelled back: “The Almighty did, for we sinned against Him and we did not go in the righteous path!” The full quote from Isaiah 42:24 is as follows: "Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers? Did not the Lord, he against whom we have sinned? For they would not walk in his ways, neither were they obedient to his laws". 
This is the answer of a child explaining the Roman destruction of the Second Temple during which 1.1 million Jewish men, women and children perished under the Roman sword in Jerusalem and those that were slain during the previous seven years were estimated at 1,337,490 by Archbishop Usher following Josephus in his "Wars Of The Jews".   Nor was that all. The slaves taken prisoner were 97,000 which glutted the slave markets in Egypt to such an extent that no man would buy them fulfilling the prophecy conveyed by Moses in Deuteronomy 28:68 that "no man shall buy you", see Josephus "The Wars Of The Jews" Book 6, section 9, sections 2 & 3. Such examples can be found throughout Jewish literature.  
Wiesel was appointed Chairman of the Presidential Commission on the Holocaust by President Carter when Carter declared April 28 and April 29 in 1979 as Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust.  This demonstrated the power of atheistic Zionist and Reformed Judaism over the United States based on their financial power whereby they wrested control of the western nations through their central bank control of fiat money and usury. On the 29th the President and Vice President spoke together with Wiesel in the Capital Rotunda in commemoration of the Holocaust. These remarks were later reprinted in a booklet which we quote from in the case of what the atheistic Eli Wiesel had to say: 
"Allow me to tell you a story. Once upon a time, far away, somewhere in the Carpathian mountains, there lived a small boy, a Jewish boy, whose dreams were filled with God, prayer and song. Treblinka and Ponar, Auschwitz and Babi Yar, Majdanek and Belzec: What happened? Did creation go mad? Did God cover his face? Did the Creator turn against his creation? We didn’t know, we still don’t. How can anyone explain evil of such magnitude? How can anyone comprehend so much pain and anguish? One cannot conceive of Auschwitz with or without God."  
Atheistic Wiesel has printed many books, all of them full of Epicureanism and Minoan heresies, as above, and we mention just two. One is titled "The Madness of God". Another gem of his, just printed last year, is "The Trial of God". An advertisement in The New York Times – a newspaper of Jewish conversos who promote sodomy and abortion throughout their pages--published this advertisement which is consistent with their own heretical world view. These conversions obviously were not authentic, as in the days of the fifteenth century in Spain, and for which the Grand Inquisition was established, for if they had been, it would not have been possible for this newspaper to support vice and Zionism, which are synonymous. Indeed, the abortion rate per capita in the Holy Land is now the highest in the world. 
The New York Times had this to say about the book: "The Theatre of Elie Wiesel. It is Purim. Three players have lost their way wander into an inn. To their horror they discover they are in Shamgorod, the site of a recent pogrom. The only two Jews left are the innkeeper, a withdrawn and bitter man, and his daughter who has been raped and tortured. Egged on by the innkeeper, they agree to stage, not the traditional Purimschpiel, but a mock trial of God for allowing such things to happen to His children – a theme that enables Elie Wiesel to pursue with irony, wit, feeling, and a strong sense of theatre, the concerns that are central to all his writing." 
What is this if not blatant aphikorus (Epicureanism), minus (Minoan heresy) and atheism? Such writings in the lands of the west will immediately remind their readers of the New Testament trial before Pontius Pilate, the fifth prefect of Roman Province of Judea between 26-36 of the common era, and bring on the heads of the Jews in western lands a new wrath fomented by the Elie Wiesels, not to speak of the animosity throughout the world stirred against the Jewish people by their support of Zionism. Proverbs 11:6 tells us that the faithless are entrapped by their own crafty devices, and these very actions in creating the Zionist Entity as an escape hatch in the event of another uprising as in Germany, will in the end rather be the very actions that will lead to such an overthrow and entrapment as occurred in Germany.

With Torah Blessings;

David Lifschultz

To:Anne von Echlin

Cc:Rainer von Echlin, Kilo Juliet

Dec 31 at 8:59 PM

Dear Anne:

I have been working on a more complete answer to the structure of the nation state and its economy. The theory behind the transformation from an agricultural society to a industrialized society was that 97% of the farm labor could be released for industrial jobs. Robotics would in theory supplant jobs in the industrial society creating new opportunities in new fields to be created. It does not necessarily create unemployment. Werner Sombart blamed the desire for luxury for disturbing everything creating world trade internationalizing usury and I am sure that is also true. Capitalism is really a euphemism for usury and compounded interest makes slaves of most of the civilization.

John Ruskin maintained that the destruction of beauty in the society was based on the dehumanizing forms of industrial work propelled by the pressure of usury. For example, instead of a worker making a complete car in mass production he just tightened a bolt as in the Charlie Chaplin movie "Modern Times" which was quite brilliant. The Volvo people experimented with having a group of workers make one car at a time rather than use the mass production method as an effort to remedy this demoralization but they were eventually sold out.

Charlie Chaplin - Factory Scene - Modern Times (1936)

Charlie Chaplin - Factory Scene - Modern Times (1936)

• And time marches on into the late afternoon... Modern Times © Roy Export S.A.S. • Subscribe to our channel: ht...

Charlie Chaplin - Factory Scene - Modern Times (1936)

• And time marches on into the late afternoon... Modern Times © Roy Export S.A.S. • Subscribe to our channel: ht...

The aesthetic question is whether such a work form is better and whether the drive of everyone off the land could have occurred if it were not for usury driving the thirst and requirement to pay the compounding debt. I think that this is so and that the Hunzi are more wise than we are living with pure air and water high in the Himalayas following St. Augustine's holy concept of marriage according to natural law, and planting fields according to natural law, and living as a consequence to nearly 120 in quite athletic form running around at 110. Their fertilizer is natural not chemical and to my knowledge they never heard of our doctors with their chemical or plastic prescriptions or the knife or the chemo or the radiation.

The ideal represented by Odysseus in the Odyssey was the hero that could make a sail boat, fight in a war, win in Olympic Contests in different events whether running, pole vaulting, javelin throwing, etc., whereas the blacksmith trade was a specialty for the physically defective. In other words, the all around man was the hero. The most interesting lesson was the Odysseus's appearance was destroyed by his love for Calypso every night for a year, so that faithful Penelope could not recognize him but her beauty and youth was preserved in holy chastity waiting twenty years for him not knowing if he was dead or alive. The suitors really wanted her for her untarnished beauty as well as the Kingdom of Ithaca. It is the Biblical ideal and law that a wife cannot remarry unless she is certain that her husband had died and there were many German soldiers who returned after long captivity in Russia to find to their sorrow that their wives had remarried.

When Goethe was asked whether Homer was written in many hands which was the rage of the higher critics even as regards the Bible in Germany, he said that as an artist he could tell the poem was the hand of one person. We can see that in the story of Penelope and Calypso above as a scientific fact. Also, faithful Penelope held together a kingdom but faithless Helen destroy Troy. These are artistically joined and the story is true if some of the embellishments are not. It is not different in conception to the war against the tribe of Benjamin for the rape of the concubine in Judges 19-21. Goethe also wrote a work with Lavater called "Physiognomy" illustrated by pictures to prove the point where he said you can see every sin on the face of the sinful and any artist that did not understand this was not an artist.

"Like the painting of a sorrow a face without a heart." That is the face of "Dorian Gray."

Happy New Year!

With best wishes.

David Lifschultz
An Introduction to Goethe, Faust and the Euro 
By David K. Lifschultz
The precipitous and calamitous decline in US power from its undisputed peak as the sole world hegemon in 1991 on the collapse of the Soviet Union has to be marked as one of the greatest turning points in history. We demonstrate this both in the military analysis included in this paper and the study of the dying United States dollar. We follow in this analysis the introduction of Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope" and others. It may not appear to most observers that this has happened as it did not appear that the greatest army in the world in France that had held back the Germans in World War One would collapse in 1940 in twenty days.  Just for the reader's information, the nations of the EU today, or NATO, would not last two weeks against the Russian shock armies as that is how long it would take them to reach the English Channel. The actual conflict would be decided in five or ten minutes as Russian missiles destroy all the NATO air fields completely nullifying the NATO significant advantage in air power.  
Professor Quigley had two famous students who made their way in the world which were former President Clinton who praised him to the skies in his "Inaugural Address" and HRH Prince Turki al Faisal, the former head of Saudi Intelligence (Al Mukhabarat Al 'Ammah). In my conversations with Bill regarding Professor Quigley, he said that he followed Quigley's concept that technological advancement was the basis of the advance of all civilization as outlined in Quigley's book "The Evolution of Civilization" and this was the foundation of his entire political career. His greatest obstacle to achieving these goals was the institutional bias against change which he resolved by creating the era that Bill said he did not care if 99% of those companies went bankrupt as long as the 1% drove the United States economy forward.  This approach worked amazingly well and Bill left the presidency with such giant budget surpluses there was fear that in no time that entire national debt that is now around 21 trillion dollars would be paid off. Even Arthur Laffer, the inventor of the Laffer Curve, in a recent debate sponsored by the Wall Street Journal, praised the former President as creating such great incentives to growth.  

General Intelligence Presidency
The General Intelligence Presidency (GIP); (Arabic: (ر.ا.ع) رئاسة الاستخبارات العامة‎ Ri'āsat Al-Istikhbārāt Al-...
I had gone to school with Prince Turki at the Hun School of Princeton, and had flown to see him when he was Ambassador to London as the US was about to invade Iraq under George Bush II to see if we could work out a plan to stop the invasion, and my colleague held secret talks with Saddam Hussein and his generals offering them incentives and safe passage out of Iraq if they would turn over the country to a leader of our selection. This would have avoided the destabilization of the entire region as the destruction of the Sunni Iraq tilted the balance of power in the favor of Iran.  Saddam and the generals agreed but later Saddam reneged. The generals withdrew at the siege of Baghdad which was therefore won relatively without cost and received their reward.
It looked as though President Clinton was establishing what Quigley called a reorganization of western civilization so that its dynamic growth could continue.  In essence, Clinton found the US in a form of stagnation as the GDP growth figures were pure fiction based on the falsification of records where inflation was eliminated by removing from the CPI commodities or goods with rapidly rising prices with lower prices for supposedly comparable items. This falsification continues. The switch by George W. Bush to endless Islamic wars as planned far in advance of the 9-11 false flag operation created trillions of dollars of expenses diverting from productive growth to non-productive military appropriations for meaningless brush fire wars. We see this is in the industrial collapse in the rust belt and the debilitation of our infrastructure. All that Clinton created was destroyed.  Bill bewailed to me that his work was needlessly being thrown away. And the United States continued on its path of ruin until President Trump began trying to rebuild the destroyed American industry by stopping the rigging of currencies as indicated next.
Quigley in his introduction compares western civilization to others that have declined and fallen before it.  In the case of the Canaanite civilization who descended from Noah's grandson through Ham the core or beginning of that civilization was located in and around Tyre and Sidon. Tyre was famous as a great seafaring power which was similar to later seafaring nations as Venice and England and now the United States.  This Canaanite civilization in Tyre planted colonies in areas such as what became Carthage, and interestingly enough, Carthage grew to be a greater power than Tyre. I use that example as that was very similar to what happened with the colonies of England so as England declined as a great power its colony the United States surpassed it as Carthage had surpassed Tyre. Although Quigley does not attribute this to moral decline as he should but rather to the core (Tyre and England) diverting their time to pastimes as pleasure, art, ideas and leisure instead of material work, the non-core Puritanical United States focused only on work or materialism as pleasure was a form of sin to the Puritan founders of the US.  Thus peripheral areas became militarily stronger than the original core civilizations.
Western civilization developed from the classical civilization of Greece (Elisha or Hellas) and Rome (Javan as in Ionian Sea) or the descendants of Japheth son of Noah, and the power initially started in Greece but transferred later to Rome (Tiras).  The Europeans are descendants of Tiras and the Russians Meshech (Moscow, or Rosh Meshech as Russia-Moscovy as the center of Russia) the descendants of Japheth. This is western civilization. It incorporated the Bible that was transmitted to them by the descendants of Shem.
However, the United States is presently in a state of moral and material decline almost unprecedented in history.  70% of its 17 to 24 year olds are not fit to serve in the military largely based on the diffusion of drugs and vice as in Carthage. The Romans say they destroyed Carthage for moral reasons as it was given over to human sacrifice and sodomy which in a sense is proliferating in the west in the form of abortion and sodomy. These are signs of a massive, moral decline while power is starting to transfer to the Asian nations which are focusing mostly on the material aspects of western civilization. And the House of Representatives and Senate of the United States are acting as the Carthaginian Senate who undermined their greatest general Hannibal and are largely to blame for the irrational form of funding weapon procurement as in the twenty year F-35 whose 400 billion cost blueprints were hacked anyway by an adversary. This was paralleled in some of our history by the removal of General MacArthur from running the Korean War by a Pendergast mob frontman, and since then the calibre of our military leadership has been in a precipitous decline as no one with talent would like the mob telling him what to do as the monetary remuneration is no inducement to stay as it does not compete with industry or Wall Street.  If the DIA or CIA or NSA have anyone of great talent, Google offers them a million dollars a year to come to them and off they go.
This is the introduction to the present work. It has been largely revised to cover the Quigley analysis in more detail from a previous work that we presented. Since the next exposition will demonstrate that the dollar is intrinsically worthless, it in necessary also to enter into a discussion of the waning military power of the United States which can no longer intimidate nations to use the dollar. The value in exchange of the dollar and its military power are thus inextricably connected.
Goethe, Faust and the Euro 
By David K. Lifschultz 
We find Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Faust in his library in Germany around the late 18th century in a state of manic depression contemplating his forty years spent in the study of philosophy from the ancient Greeks and Romans to the the Schopenhauers, Hegels, and Kants of his day. He had nearly gone insane reading the Critique of Pure Reason and it suddenly had dawned on him that he had wasted his entire life drowned in books and that all his learning was worthless. Mephistopheles, the Devil, seeing his opportunity to prey on the spiritually weak, approached him to say all was not lost. He could make up for lost time, and offered him the most beautiful woman in the world (Margarete), and a paradise on earth with her at his side, and all that he had to do was sign over his soul on the dotted line contracting to deliver it up to him at the appointed time of his death. Our friend, Faust, tired and exhausted in studying the vain fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, decided to choose what he thought would be the new route to Paradise.
In this jolly period Dr. Faustus and Mephistopheles alighted on a Kingdom in Germany where the bankers in Frankfort had created a species or gold shortage, and thereby had induced a depression here in Holy Germany for the purpose of dominating or overthrowing this Christian Kingdom. The population was near to rioting in the streets as they were hungry, the country was is disrepair everywhere with buildings looking like they were going to crumble, and there was a distinct possibility of the King being overthrown after a thousand years of the monarchy.
Enter Dr. Faustus (Goethe) and Mephistopheles (Mayer A. Rothschild) into the King’s palace, and there they proposed the John Law remedy of paper money and credit to be created out of nothing to solve the problem of the Frankfurt gold manipulation. The King exclaimed that how could he sign off on a paper and currency that had no gold backing, and not be perceived as a fraud. Mephistopheles answered that they would put the King’s picture on the currency, and they would sign his name to the statement that the currency was backed by all the gold in the kingdom that had not yet been discovered and dug up, and that would solve whatever qualms the population might have had. The King said that it would never work and would not be the first King in his thousand year line of the Holy Roman Empire to have committed such a fraud.
Mephistopheles and Dr. Faustus then proposed a grand ball where all the beauties of the Kingdom would gather, and the liquor would flow profusely, and everyone would have a merry time. The King was plied with drink until he lost his senses, and they then put the paper currency decree into his hand, and he signed it. While the drinking celebrations lasted weeks, Mephistopheles was at work spreading the currency around and the Kingdom became prosperous and happy. Mephistopheles became the finance minister and central bank head, and coordinated with his kinfolk at other central banks. These were the same folks who had induced the depression in the first place so they could take over this kingdom that was holding out.
Nevertheless, finally the King sobered up, and in walking through the streets of his Kingdom he found that all had changed, and it was happy and prosperous. When he asked how it happened, and found it was due to his having signed the paper money and credit decree, he was furious. What a fraud, he cried. His wisest minister warned him that the new power transferred to the finance minister spelled the eventual doom of his throne, and would lead to the diabolical overthrow of the Christianity that he had sworn as monarch to support over all other things, and the total debasement of all womanhood in the Kingdom as was later seen in Holy Germany during the Weimar period. But Mephistopheles countered that it was too late, and that he would certainly be immediately overthrown if he withdrew the paper as the population was so happy and industrious. The King feared the consequences and relented.
Goethe summarized this series of events with the following poetic verse:
“I am fed up with this endless how and when,
if there is no money, let us make it then.”
And how this make believe paper works is the next part of this discussion.  
“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero.” (Voltaire, 1694-1778)
The gold value of the dollar in 1920 was $20.67 and today an ounce is worth $1,163.70 or around 56 times more expensive or 1.776% of its earlier value. That is a 98.224% depreciation of the dollar in relation to gold.  
Now, let's look at the CPI Index which is a little more optimistic giving it $3.48 in value:
Decreasing Purchasing Power of the U.S. Dollar: What's $10,000 in 1900 Worth Today?
If a shopper were magically transported from the year 1900 to 2012, the $100 bill that he had in his wallet in 1900 would now be worth only $3.48! That is, $100 in 2012 would have the purchasing power that $3.48 had in 1900; $10,000 would be worth only $348 today. That's a 96.4% decrease in buying power. Our shopper would consider current dollars virtually worthless. (Note: the calculations in the post were made using the inflation calculator introduced earlier this month.)  This almost parallels the decline in relation to gold and it is worse than it looks as the CPI has been falsified by removing from it products whose price rises so much it starts to be substituted by other products. This skews the inflation rate downward. The dollar is almost all gone.  The picture is worsens even more when you look at the gold behind the dollar using the unaudited gold reserves recorded to be Fort Knox and the New York Fed which are 8,133 tons or 260,370,000 ounces. If you divide these ounces into M-3 of 18 trillion you come to $69,132.38 an ounce.  
It will be the fate of all paper and fiat credit systems that the monetary unit in such a vehicle will die. History is strewn with American Continentals or the French Assignats but the most curious part of the German hyperinflation which was largely caused by the overproduction of the fiat mark was that in 1923 what was left of it vaporized even though the money supply no longer was increasing. People stopped believing in it. What was even more curious was that Dr. Hjalmar Schacht created a new currency with nothing behind it and it maintained its value and he was consequently called the old wizard. Yet the Saigon currency after the North Vietnamese surrounded the city vaporized to zero. What happened to Milton Friedman's monetary theory of measured expansion or that of Keynes for that matter who thought digging for gold was as stupid as burying dollars and then digging them up?  (See Keynes "General Theory" and Friedman's "Monetary History.") In each case the value that was thought to be there was what it was thought at the time to be and not what it was in reality. What this really represents really is a substitution of monetary transubstantiation making according to Karl Marx the jealous god of money in place of the Catholic transubstantiation. 
Fiat money and usury are a social control mechanism that are founded on principles that according to Aristotle are against nature (Politica 1258b) in that they cannot create their own children and thus cannot create the interest to pay it back. For example, if I lend to a member of this audience the 176,300 tons of gold which is all that exists in the world, and ask for ten percent interest payable in principle and interest in a year, then the 176,300 tons of gold plus the 17,600 tons of interest cannot be paid in full as there is no gold in the world to pay the interest.  In other words, the system based on gold and interest (usury) cannot work as it cannot pay the interest on the fully extended lending base. But even if we used paper, and people believed it was gold, the paper too cannot procreate. So once the money is fully lent out, then no further lending can take place nor can the interest be paid unless you hypothecate out of nothing additional paper or credit. The system would otherwise start an implosion if it were not hypothecated with additional credit or paper money.  Such an implosion took place during the time of King Edward the Pious of England as the weaker creditors started to default first and then the stronger ones until the usurer had all the wealth of the kingdom without having done any real work. King Edward simply took all the money back from the usurers and expelled them from England hence he was known as the pious.
Dante placed the usurer in his seventh rung of Hell with the sodomist as the usurer made gold fruitful though it was not, and the sodomist made what was fruitful unfruitful. In other words it was natural to sow in the field to reap but sowing gold cannot produce an increase and the sodomist does not plow in a field where anything will grow. That is why it is against nature. He consigned both to the seventh rung of Hell for the sinners against nature and God as these sins are forbidden in the Bible. Shakespeare understood this in his play “The Merchant of Venice” in that Shylock says he makes gold fruitful like Laban’s flock that bore wages to Jacob of the ring streaked and spotted cattle but this could not make gold fruitful. 
And Shylock tells us at the trial that he really wants the life of Signor Antonio because he was interfering with his control mechanism for ruling over the society for his lending without interest would drive his system of control out of business. It was through that control mechanism that Shylock controlled the state. He was offered by Bassanio ten times what was owed and refused for state control was more important than the multiple interest offered by Portia or the multiple principle offered by Bassanio. Therefore, he wanted Signor Antonio's death though the extraction of the pound of flesh that was already forfeited and not the money. 
I would not recommend to the audience that anyone seek to interfere with this control mechanism as he would be striking at the roots of the control of the state of the present masters of the universe and these masters would react no differently than Shylock who wanted his pound of flesh as that would have ended the threat by slaying Signor Antonio the representative of the love your neighbor as thyself state.  The Rothschilds and Barings as Lord Byron points out in his poem at the end of this piece replaced the sovereign monarchs of Europe as control shifted to those who controlled the creation and contraction of money (largely fiat) through the banking function usurping the right of kings as sovereigns to issue money (which should have been restricted to gold) and used the sin of usury as a control mechanism. 
It was through "the manipulation of the quantity and flow of money which enabled them to influence, if not control, governments on one side and industries on the other. To do this it was necessary to conceal, or even to mislead, both governments and people about the nature of money and its methods of operation. In 1909 Walter Rathenau, who controlled the German General Electric Company, said 'three hundred men, all of whom know each other (bankers or their agents), direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves.' It must not be felt that these heads of the world's chief central banks were themselves powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers (fiat money) of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (Rothschild and Baring, etc. also called 'international' or 'merchant bankers' ) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own private unincorporated banks.  
This is the so-called invisible hand of Adam Smith or his masters of the world replacing the royal monarchs.  It was thought necessary in order to carry out this control to destroy the entire moral fabric of of Christian society.  In this the Rothschilds were preeminent together with their lackey J. P. Morgan until about 1941 when the German Panzer Armies marched into Paris singing songs of hatred against usury." (Source Carroll Quigley in his 'Tragedy and Hope' slightly revised and brought up to date.)  Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose or the more things change the more they stay the same.  
Alfred Marshall, J. M, Keynes teacher at Cambridge, struggled with this Aristotelian fallacy in our monetary system and could not solve it. In other words, the gold or paper money cannot create its own liquidity for the interest to be repaid and requires a fraudulent hypothecation to keep it going. And as the monetary aggregates expand, it becomes more and more difficult to control them until they self-destruct from the inherent contradictions.  He was the last one and there are no others who tried to tackle it since. 
The control mechanism works like this. If we take the Euro central bank reserve of 1%, and the Euro is not backed by gold, and I have a billion in capital which I invest in my bank, then my bank will create a hundred billion of new money as it expands under a 1% reserve requirement. The equation is .01x equals a billion so x equals 100 billion. So from a billion in gold or fiat money is created a 100 billion.  My goal is to make 10% profit on this money as it expands like an accordion through the EU fractional reserve system, and while interest rates vary, we will use this figure as a simple proxy. So I make ten billion a year out of my one billion in capital or ten percent of my now 100 billion. Now let’s say my neighbor is as rich as I am and invests a billion dollars in gold to build an automobile plant as Henry Ford, and makes a thirty percent profit, then he makes three hundred million dollars a year to my ten billion. He is just as capable and intelligent as I am but I have the fractional reserve banking system behind me. And I make absolutely nothing but money out of nothing. I have no inventory to keep. My wealth is a bookkeeping entry that everyone believes in. As I make ten billion a year in profit, I grow richer and richer. How can my Henry Ford neighbor keep up with me? I have to win the game.
And before you know it the Dukes of England with their grand estates are nothing compared to me. I came to England in 1798 and my family took over the whole country as I had all the money. As the Dukes lost their lands to me, I decorated my board with their graces (see Anthony Trollope’s “How We Live Now”). Even the Queen had to come to me when she needed money and I lent it to her (Proverbs 22:7). I became the master of the universe and the Queen became a figurehead (see “Coningsby” by Benjamin Disraeli).  I declare on television that I am not accepted as an aristocrat despite my purchased title as I am only in this country five generations but what I don’t say is who cares. I am the ruler and that is all that counts. 
Now, my friends, this is why gold cannot work. You cannot mine gold fast enough to cover all of the fiat credit that has been created out of nothing. Nor can the paper money keep up so I just have to make more of it under my system. As our Goethe says in Faust, I am fed up with this endless how and when, if there is no money, let us make it then. And so we have.
Now what is the real value of gold. If the United States has 8,133 tons of gold in Fort Knox (unaudited) which comes to 16,267,000 pounds. The pounds translate to 260,270,000 ounces. If I divide that by M-3 money supply, which is to divide the ounces into about 15 trillion dollars, then the gold backing for the dollar is $57,630.00 for each ounce. The quoted ounce today is around $1,174.40. Twenty dollars in 1920 used to be convertible into one ounce of gold. Now, what does this mean? It means that the fiat money and credit that has no value has supplanted the gold that has intrinsic value until at some future time the jig is up, and reality dawns on the masses as during the German hyperinflation or during the Saigon siege. It is then, and only then, that they will escape from their collective insanity.
I used this literary excursion, taking some liberties with the text, to introduce the discussion of the Euro for reasons which will be soon apparent.  The goal of consolidating Europe into one state goes back in modern times to Napoleon Bonaparte’s Continental System whose goal was to create a system of Empire that was self-sufficient and would preserve within it its industrial capacity against the exports of Britain. Here we see a substitution of the Christian consolidating principles of the Holy Roman Empire being replaced by purely materialistic considerations. Napoleon was not the only one to see that you must preserve your own industries if you wish to have power, but Friedrich List wrote about it later in Germany and Alexander Hamilton about this time set up the United States with tariffs so that its industries would not be destroyed. Napoleon used his military genius to foster this system but was confounded in Russia as Germany over hundred years later in the early 1940s. Germany had sought to create a Eurasian Empire from France to Japan using Japan as a partner. Again, Britain in its traditional classical balance of power role, found allies in the United States and Russia to stymie this German project that would have shifted the balance of power against the Anglo-Saxon nations. 
The Euro is a new effort led by Germany to achieve a new Continental System. It was Germany that pressed the Euroland nations to extend the Nato Alliance to Poland to protect its industrial investment in eastern Europe in direct violation of the agreements with the drunken Yeltsin. Germany’s foremost goal was to create this 16 trillion Euro common market and Euro currency as a direct competitor of the United States where it would finally have a similar market to scale its products. Then, combined with their currency rigging, they would invade the United States wrecking what was left of their domestic industries that they and Japan had not already destroyed.  It is for this reason we do not see Germany giving up on this dream just because a Portugal at 1.4% of Euroland in GDP, or Greece at 1.8% are having problems. (I have to revise my opinion on the longevity of the EU and Euro based on their present conflict with Russia for if it is not settled soon it may lead to the breakdown of the EU and the Euro.) These problems benefit Germany though it cries with crocodile tears of distress over the thought of subsidizing the weaker nations while its exports soar as the Euro falls while within the EU their manufacturing destroys their southern neighbors. These German export profits more than offset some lending to the states as Greece and Portugal that are in IMF tribulation.  
If there are any problems here it is between the bank exposure of the main Euro nations in lending to the banks of Portugal and Greece, and they would be concerned with triggering another derivative crisis that happened when Lehman went down. The pulling of the plug at Lehman detonated parts of the quadrillion derivatives which represent 17.5 times the world GDP of 65 trillion (This talk was delivered several years ago and I have not revised some the figures.) The currency component of this derivative structure is 58 trillion alone, or nearly the GDP of the entire world.  I hold up before this august audience the June 23 article in the Financial Times on quantitative easing of the United States. There is a gigantic fact here that few really understand. It is the 2.9 trillion dollars of Federal Reserve Credit (now over 4.434 trillion). At the time of the fall of Lehman there was only 900 billion of this credit built up from 1914, and in the three months following the Lehman catastrophe the Fed created one trillion in new credit, or a hundred years worth, to save the system, and another trillion over the past few years to keep the United States from falling back into crisis and to try to grow it out of its problems. Would Germany want to pull the plug on Greece or Portugal to face another Lehman as they could not be sure how much effect a Grecian collapse could have on the derivative structure? 
It is important to note that about 2.3 trillion dollars of the Federal Reserve credit is held by the banks as excess reserves. The banks that hold these excess reserves lend them back to the Federal Reserve at interest rates above market for two reasons. The first is to allow the banks to generate profits so that they could very gradually write off the bad debts that overwhelmed their balance sheets from the 2008 crash.  If they had showed these losses all at once, it might have caused a banking panic. It took eight years to reestablish the balance sheets of the banks on a sound footing. The second reason was by paying higher than market rates this money was noninflationary as it did not expand the money supply by fractionalizing in the banking system by a mechanism explained earlier.
I might add in passing that these quadrillion of derivatives have been described by Warren Buffett as a potential financial weapon of mass destruction, and whose description was confirmed by the historical events of October, 2008, have not served as a deterrent for their continued utilization as the derivative aggregates continue to mushroom into larger proportions.  The problem of the derivative exposure continues to the present day. 
As we said in the introduction, we have to discuss in our talk about the US dollar the declining power of the United States military which will demonstrate that the power of the dollar that is one side of 88% of the international currency trades cannot continue as the most powerful financial control mechanism. Its role was only enforced by its predominant military power which is now inferior to that of Russia and therefore such a dollar hegemony cannot last. present  As the dollar is intrinsically worthless, its doom is sealed without that global military power. 
You Want War? Russia is Ready for War 
The S-500 anti-missile missile system is capable of sealing Russian of from ICBM and Cruise missiles. It travels at a speed of 15,480 miles an hour rising as high as 115 miles traveling horizontally over 2,174 miles. It ends MAD or mutually assured destruction as it seals Russian air space and is being superseded by the S-600 that is a massive improvement. In a sense the US is no longer a global power according to Brzezinski if this is true which it is. The ability of the United States to continue to intimidate the world by threats of sanctions ultimately reaching the point that the US blocks an Iran or Russia from using CHIPS and SWIFT interbank clearing ending its ability to trade with the world in an efficient manner is gradually eroding in concert with the US military decline. 
It is important to note that this financial tool of sanctions has hanging over it a quadrillion of derivatives that nearly brought the world down in 2008 being triggered by the fraudulent subprime and credit default swap mechanisms which required four hundred years of credit creation in the aftermath to save the world system but if Iran were to be placed in this squeeze again by the new sanctions, or Russia for that matter, the al-Houthis have threatened to destroy all the Middle East oil. A cutoff by tactical nuclear missiles by the al-Houthis obtained on the Black Market could destroy in the Middle East over 20% of the world oil supply or twenty million barrels a day, and trigger a detonation of the quadrillion of derivatives that could not be papered over as in 2008 creating a depression worse than the 44% unemployment in 1933 that brought down the Weimar Republic in a national revolution as outlined in the article below.
Oil and gas geopolitics: no shelter from the storm
These exposures that lie beneath the surface of the world financial system are not widely understood.  And let's go on with further analysis of the system.  It is also important to realize that the credit system of these banks is a closed loop and no money leaks from it except when it is converted to cash, and no money leaks overseas unless it is converted to cash and carried overseas. The latter is not easy to do with western nations watching like hawks these cash transfers via the terrorist laws, or really enemy of the people statutes a la Soviet Russia or East Germany. Essentially, this credit dollar based on deposits at banks floats against the credit yuan or credit yen in a similar manner.  The problem with this floating system is that it is not clean. There are dirty floats all over. And instead of the dollar floating by supply and demand against the yen, the Japanese erect a currency tariff against our goods by buying our currency to raise its value so they can dump their goods on us. If currencies truly float, the deficit countries based on excess say dollar credits would fall making it harder for them to buy imports, and it would serve as a self-correcting mechanism. This mechanism is interfered with by these dirty floats.  
When we talk about hot money in the United States of about 11.7 trillion we refer to deposits or Treasury instruments that can be immediately sold and converted to foreign credits (this figure is more now as it is not up to date). If this hot money were to be converted all at once into foreign credits, the currency would crash as it would constitute a dollar exposure and not a dollar turnover as the 4 trillion that turns over on the foreign exchange market each day. The only reserves the United States has against this potential run on the dollar is about 300 billion plus of gold at market and currencies at market. This is far too small to tackle the problem and if the gold were sold on the spot it would crash its price causing it to yield much less an amount than the nominal reserve value.  
Now, I just looked up at the Federal Reserve balance sheet to find 24 billion in foreign currencies. So our nation's liquidity is 307.47 billion at today's gold price plus 24 billion in foreign exchange plus IMF SDR quota of 83 billion. The US can draw up to its quota of 83 billion. The demand on the US in hot money is 11.7 trillion. Generally, a sound company likes to operate on a two to one ratio of current assets over current liabilities or 2 to 1. The US current assets over current liabilities comes to a ratio of current assets to liabilities of the US of 379.47 billion over 11.7 trillion or a ratio of about 1 to 31 using 58% of the dollar value for SDRs. 
What this means is if there was a run on the dollar whereby Japanese holders of over a trillion dollars in US dollar assets sold all of their dollars on the open market, the US could only buy up of this debt of 379.47 billion dollars. Then, it would have no reserves and go bankrupt. The dollar would keep falling unless the US could persuade some other country to buy up the dollars. Then, the issue is whether the US was just illiquid or insolvent. An illiquid company would have been General Electric in 2008 which could not turn over its commercial paper, and in a default, would have had to declare for bankruptcy protection while it liquidated its other assets. All of its assets then exceeded its liabilities. But in a collapsing market, the other assets of GE other than cash would be falling in value as we saw in the concomitant crash of the 2008 stock market. So if GE had huge amounts of commercial real estate, that real estate could have been suffering a rapid erosion in value, and theoretically all of the Triple A assets of GE could have been collapsing at the same time.
In the case of the United States, if it were to be treated as a company and not a sovereign, then if it had a deficit net worth or net deficit position of around 8 trillion would mean in a liquidation its creditors could not be paid off. The response to this observation is that the entire wealth of the US would be at the disposal of the US and it could issue an asset tax on all its citizens sufficient to pay off its debts. The national debt in relation to the GDP of the US is about 107 to 108 per cent but this does not reflect the total wealth. Its total wealth after debt is estimated at 93.5 trillion in 2017.  If we say that the US government has access if not control of all the wealth of the United States which verges on socialism, then the US could tax 8 trillion of that wealth to pay its foreign debt obligation provided the foreigners would take assets in other forms than dollar credits. However, in the world crisis triggered by the collapse of the dollar, the asset values in the United States could fall as much as 90%. This may sound far fetched, but in 1933 at the heart of the depression with unemployment about 25% real estate prices fell over 90% in New York City. If all assets similarly fell 90%, there would be nothing left of the US.
If truth be told, if any of the Arabian Gulf States were to try to remove overnight many trillions of their foreign investment from the United States, it would be regarded as an act of war and the assets frozen. The same action would be taken against Japan of freezing their dollar assets in the United States. The issue of turnover against exposure discussed above can be easily explained by the following comparison. If you have a billion dollars to trade with which is hypothetically all my net worth, and I buy and sell bonds all day to the tune of 300 billion dollars, then it would be foolhardy to say that what is my billion of reserves against my trading prowess of 300 billion dollars a day in bonds. But the exposure I have is a billion, and against that exposure the turnover means nothing except as to whether I lose or gain money each transaction. If I lose two billion dollars, I am broke, and minus one billion dollars as happened to Long Term Capital Management whose derivative position was over a trillion dollars. That demonstrates that when the president of the New York Federal Reserve, William McDonough, told me what is 11.7 trillion (it was less then but I am using the current figure to avoid confusion) in hot money exposure when less than half that amount trades each day, either he did not know himself or he was purposely trying to mislead me as to the significance of this exposure that can be ruinous.  
The three trillion exposure to China due to their surpluses is therefore potentially very dangerous for the United States and other deficit countries as if they converted these dollar credits into yuan credits as the Middle Eastern countries could to their currencies, the dollar would collapse on the foreign exchange markets. It is not likely to lead to a short-term catastrophe as China is not prepared to cease exporting to us and others, and nor they would benefit from a world depression as it would deter their march into becoming the dominant world power. In any event, China’s dollar credits would also be frozen if the effort were initiated as those of the Gulf States of Arabia. 
 Another example of exposure versus turnover is the high frequency turnover in the stock and Forex markets. The average holding or turnover of stock in the United States is twenty seconds. In the Forex markets, which is 70% electronically based on preset algorithmic trading, the roundtrip trades or turnover are completed in under a second on average, and the Big Five players are in and out in under 1/10 of a second. This is truly an unproductive use of capital as it produces nothing of value to the society, as well as most of the quadrillion of derivatives. The Tobin transactional tax to discourage this wasteful expenditure of national resources is one way to redirect bank credit.  Also, another Glass-Steagall Act should be passed which would include removing these derivative exposures from their balance sheets. In addition, taxes should be raised on short-term profits to 90% to discourage parasitic trading and reduced on long term gain over five years to 5% to encourage productive investment wiping out most hedge fund and investment bank trading especially utilizing cash settlement for manipulation by those that control trillions of investment capital. That was behind the crash of 1987 where we reversed the crash by ordering the major Wall St. players to reverse their position short positions. See two articles at the end which explain this manipulation in detail.
As John D. Rockefeller laid out for his Standard Oil combine that is best reflected in one of its former components, EXXON, whose Rockefeller principles they still follow, derivatives for decreasing risk are an authentic business purpose but not to gain speculative profit. As John D. wrote in his “Random Reminiscences”, “Standard Oil is not concerned in speculative interests as the oil business itself is speculative enough, and its successful administration requires a firm hand and a cool head.” And this principle was carried forward in a recent Annual Report of EXXON that stipulated that derivatives are only used to protect investment but not speculation. An example would be farmers selling their futures in corn to Kellogg to pay for seed, and supplies, so that Kellogg can be able to plan on a stable price for their corn flakes but not otherwise for the purpose of gambling using bank credit. Or in the case of EXXON, their selling in the future their refinery production of products to be sure they reaped the money necessary to pay for the building of the refinery while it gives the buyer an assured supply of product at a fixed price they can plan on and guarantees EXXON a sale.  In a sense, the Shell future sales of natural gas at their 22 billion dollar Sakhalin project was done to protect their balance sheet accords with this principle.
There is a misconception that the creation of bank credit, or the M-3 money supply, is solely the concern of the banks and should remain within the confines of the free market. But the creation of money out of nothing in our fractionally reserved banking system is essentially a conversion of the wealth of one part of the population to another, and at the very least should be guided by the government as Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht did as Reichbank President in 1933 where no bank credit was allowed to be used for unproductive purposes such as speculation and where he turned around the catastrophic unemployment situation relatively quickly in that 50% of the German unemployment was wiped out in six months and the rest by 1938.  John Maynard Keynes in his introduction to the 1938 German edition of his “General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money” declared that Dr. Schacht was the greatest exemplar of this theories. (This approach was replicated after World War Two by the Schacht Reichbank protege, Dr. Wilhelm Vocke, who created the German postwar economic miracle, and my friend, George Champion, who was then head of Chase Manhattan Bank, invited him over in the 1950s to explain this to the American Banking Association). 
It was Schacht in 1923 who stopped the German hyperinflation by ceasing to supply credit to the currency speculators who were shorting the Mark, and this created a surge in the Mark ending the hyperinflation. The speculators could no longer go to the central bank for credit to cover their short but had to buy it in on the open market. Similarly, the Chinese authorities blocked the speculators and insulated their economy from the so-called Asian currency contagion of 1997 by buying both the Hang Sang Index and their own currency which the speculators had shorted thereby creating a bloodbath among the speculators–who promptly called in Milton Friedman to call foul as government intervention against manipulation was not regarded by him a part of the functioning of a free market. 
Creation of money was always historically under the rule of the sovereign whether it was a monarchy or Congress and not to be held in private hands for their use according to their sole discretion.  This does not even cover the lender of last resort role. Even Goldman Sachs had to flee to for cover in the Lehman debacle under the Federal Reserve tent despite almost all of their positions being in the right direction, as well as General Electric, who could not turn over their commercial paper liabilities created under the so-called genius of management, Jack Welsh, to save interest expenses against the higher interest expenses for the more conservative long-term bond issuances, which is another reason for the right of the government to exercise control over this sector that they have to bail out or face the destruction of their economy. The thought of this Jack Welsh must cause the great Thomas Edison to turn over in his grave. 
We can look at total central bank gold reserves of 30,562.5 tons or 977,984,000 ounces, and divide these ounces into the world M-3 estimated to be 60 trillion, and come out $63,000.00 per ounce. This relates to the earlier value of the dollar as $20.00 an ounce in 1920. This expansion validates Aristotle’s contention in Politica 1:3:23 that the interest rate system is contrary to nature in that the gold, paper or credit cannot produce its own children, or the liquidity to cover the interest without either hypothecating the gold or issuing more paper money or credit. What this means in ordinary lingo is that if I own a house, and it is worth ten million dollars, and I sell ten five million first mortgages on it, then I have hypothecated the asset gaining fifty million in credit on a ten million dollar asset. Doesn’t that sound familiar in the various alphabet soup derivatives involved in the last Lehman crisis? So when England in 1900 had a 3% gold base against its Pound credits, it had hypothecated its gold over 33 times with similar Pound issuances. It was an untenable gold interest rate system as the dwindling ratio of gold ounces could not sustain a run on the central bank because of the inverse credit pyramid, and the Pound failed in 1931 with the English going off the gold standard. That spelled the death knell of British power.  We have already treated the lunacy of a fiat money representing redeemable by nothing or an IOU nothing piece of paper.
There is the question of whether gold is in sufficient quantities to allow for expansion of an economy but the liquidity for the economy can be achieved by the gold rising in value if there is a proliferation of other commodities far in excess of the gold base, and in that sense gold should float as a money in the form of a commodity against other commodities. Therefore, in a system under Sharia law gold savings would be rewarded as the production of the system expanded, and it would create a much more valuable gold and a certainly honest currency. The rising value of gold in such a situation would also furnish the additional liquidity for the financing of the growth of the economy. Even a currency separated from gold, whose value constitutes a form of secular transubstantiation, follows the same laws of the interest rate system as it must continuously create the credit or liquidity to pay  the interest until it starts to disintegrate in currency crises based on the aggregates becoming unmanageable. This is why historically all currencies so divorced from a metallic metal, and based on the interest rate system, die. The British economist Alfred Marshall was the last one to struggle with this paradox and could not solve it. He could not figure out how to circumvent the fact that the interest rate system cannot create its own liquidity except through diluting the currency, credit or gold until it expires.  
Lord Byron addressed the same issues as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in his “Don Juan”, but spent more time on the issue of the fiat credit and paper system with interest as a control mechanism as the quote below indicates:  
“Who hold the balance of the world? 
Who reign O’er congress, whether royalist or liberal?
Who rouse the shirtless patriots of Spain?
(that make old Europe’s journals squeak and gibber all).
Who keep the world, both old and new, in pain or pleasure? 
Who makes politics run glibber all?
The shade of Bonaparte”s noble daring?"
Jew Rothschild and his fellow Christian Baring.
And Percy Shelly regarded the fiat system as more oppressive to the lower classes which it is than the medieval use of gold itself as the only money with silver. While the Wall Streeters aggrandize the wealth to themselves as the .1%, the lower classes can hardly afford to raise children as under the the House of Medici utilizing usury.
Tis to let the Ghost of Gold
Take from Toil a thousand fold
More than e'er its substance could
in the tyrannies of old.
Paper Coin-that forgery
Of the title-deeds which ye 
Hold to something of the worth
Of the inheritance of the Earth.
(from the poem "Mask of Anarchy"

David Lifschultz 

The 1998 AGM of CCMJ endorsed this statement of beliefs in matters of Monetary Justice. Much has changed in the global economy since 1998 and readers might care to propose or debate possible amendments for the 2004 AGM 
"We believe that:
• Money for Industry and commerce should be issued by elected national and possibly in some instances local government only, in amount appropriate to the goods and productive capacity which it represents.
• Such money should be interest-free but for genuine cost of administration.
• Bank Loans should be limited to the actual assets held by Banks, i.e., the present practice of Banks "lending" say ten times their holdings should end.
• The National Debt, and local council debts, and many debts of firms and of persons are "phoney" to the degree that they relate to money created as above out of nothing by institutions which have gathered a private monopoly of credit creation.
• If the Banks have a monopoly of credit-creation and want more back than they create, in consequence of charging interest, they ask the impossible so that the public "debt" grows continually.
• The computerised "Global Money-Market" has acquired a momentum of its own, yet it is irrational and is damaging to the poorer nations that it exploits on our behalf.

Discussion Papers submitted by Members

NB These papers do not necessarily represent the views of the association as a whole, the views of whose members range from those who believe individual ownership should not be allowed, to those who are actively pursuing co-ownership and realistic present-day proposals for Monetary Reform. The Chairman welcomes all contributions to the debate. Do use the Discussion List if you would like to "run your ideas by others" before asking the Chairman to post a version you are confident about on the site - comments are invited and you can always make further amendments in the light of comments by others.

The interest kills children, kills nations

Written by François de Siebenthal on Monday, 01 March 2004. Posted in Debts & Deficits

One billion children killed by abortion in ten years

Hunger in the world, population growth, wars, bad distribution of wealth, and the ever-increasing gap between the rich and the poor, call for a neutral and objective reflexion. We admit that there will always be disparities, but the present situation calls for urgent solutions, and most of the problems are yet to receive any beginning of efficient realization, except for a few rare exceptions.
After years spent studying the recent demographic phenomena, and because of their relationship with the present banking crisis, I can affirm that the following facts are of the utmost importance, their seriousness having been anticipated by only a few civilizations in the past. The non-respect of natural laws inscribed in nature will cost a high price, and the more we wait, the higher the bill will be for us, our children, and our grandchildren.

The main facts

The present demographic crisis in Europe is the most serious in history. One of the worst situations is that of Italy, with an average fertility rate of 1.2 children per woman, even 0.8 in Northern Italy. Soon Spain will beat Italy in this demographic pit. In the near future, Europe will have to consecrate more than half of its Gross National Product to the elderly. The European States will be ruined because of the lack of young people. The European economy is already declining. In an absurd reaction against this, some voices are raised in the mass media to promote the active euthanasia of the elderly and disabled. (Laws along this line have already been voted in in Zurich and the Netherlands.)
Most of the Western Nations can no longer manage to pay the interest on their debts nor control them, to the detriment of primary tasks. For example, Italy is socially bankrupt because of its taxes. There is widespread corruption, a decline of the GNP, the failure of the school system, young people on drugs, and the ever-increasing cost of health care (more than 50 billion Swiss francs in Switzerland alone): all of these facts carry a heavier burden on society. National pensions plans are going bankrupt.
The productivity due to robots and computers could save us, but it will have to be redistributed in a just way.

The role of credit and its demographic consequences

Today's economy is based on loans. The public does not know that banks take huge liberties with the loans they make. If, for example, there are 100 dollars in deposits, the U.S. banking system lends a hundred times this 100 dollars, which makes $10,000, or a creation of $9,900 out of nothing. This creation of money is possible thanks to the trust in the banks and the law of large numbers, which says that it is never all of the depositors who will withdraw their savings at the same time. The globalization of the world economy aggravates this situation of the “miraculous” creation of money by the banks, which creates skyrocketting debts.
Since human nature has its limits, many people have begun to realize the limit of this system of the creation of money out of thin air, and its human cost, especially regarding unborn babies. There is a shortage of babies in every western nation, and the present crisis is due to this shortage. If all the depositors in the world wanted to withdraw their savings all at once, there would be a huge financial crisis. This is going to happen in developed nations because of the ageing of the population. We should be smart enough to prevent this fall, and prepare alternative solutions, by favoring families.

The role of interest rates

Through sudden raises of the interest rates and money creation, banks become gradually the owners of the real wealth of the nations, since all the fictitious money they lend has to return to them, plus the interest.
Families or small businesses borrow when the interest rates are low, and most often, are forced to pay back these loans when the rates are high. The consequence is the absence of children and the collapse of the economy.
In some nations, the real rate of interest is 7% per month, which amounts to 125% per year (shylocking), whereas the inflation rate is 9%. These rates are usurious, and are the plain representation of greed. And there are even worse systems.
The interest plays an even more pernicious role, when money is lent to developing nations. In this case, these loans are granted with advantageous rates, provided the creditor nations apply birth control policies (like China's one child policy, which brings about forced abortions and the massacres of girls). This is the beginning of a vicious circle, with debts causing the sacrifice of human persons to the modern Moloch. Human rights and freedoms are crushed by the economic system.

Taxes and the social budget

Nations have borrowed from private banks huge sums of money which, for the most part, is scriptural money created out of nothing. This money is based on the wealth of the whole nation. This creation of money out of thin air is legalized, but immoral, just like abortion which, even legalized, remains a crime in the sight of God. These huge sums of borrowed money bring about ever-increasing debt payments, which take an increasing part of government budgets, leaving less money for health, education and other services, creating unemployment, cuts, stress, quarrels, divorces, downsizing, restructuration plans, etc.
The solution is obvious: the State must create its own money, interest free. Savage capitalism eats up its own children, but so slowly that some people actually get used to it.

Interest and usury condemned

Cardinal Ratzinger recently said that there are over 40 million (declared) abortions per year in the world. This means that if one counts the abortions through coils and abortive pills (undeclared), for the last ten years, there have been one billion human beings killed, not to mention those who were not conceived because of the prevailing contraception mentality. This slaughter is the worst of history. What are the causes?
In the Old Testament, God and the Church have always condemned any interest on the loan of money as usury, and not just high rates of interest, especially through the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas. (See also Josue 3:15 and 4:18, Chronicles 12:15, Isaias 8:7 and 24:2, Daniel 8:16, Exodus 22;25, Nehemias 5:5, Leviticus 25:36, Psalms 15:5, Jeremias 15:10, Ezechiel 18:8, Proverbs, and in the New Testament, Matthew 25:27 and Luke 19:23.) In the Lord's Prayer (the “Our Father”), which Christians recite every day, the Latin version uses the words “debita nostra” (reported in Matthew 6:12: “forgive us our debts”), which has also to be understood in the literal sense, as taught by the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
There is no difference between interest and usury, for it is the very principle of charging interest on time that is pernicious. Besides, it is obvious that the higher the interest, the more harmful it is. The condemnations of greed by Pope Pius II are very harsh: “heretical theories that are appaling and abominable.”
The penalty for this type of crime is the same as for all those who take part in an abortion: excommunication. Popes Paul II, Sixtus IV, Innocent VIII, Alexander VI, Julius II, and Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum also strongly condemned interest.

The encyclical Vix Pervenit

On November 1, 1745, Pope Benedict XIV issued the encyclical letter <M>Vix Pervenit, addressed to the Bishops of Italy, about contracts, and in which usury, or money-lending at interest, is clearly condemned. On July 29, 1836, Pope Gregory XVI extended this encyclical to the whole Church. It says:
“The kind of sin called usury, which lies in the loan, consists in the fact that someone, using as an excuse the loan itself — which by nature requires one to give back only as much as one has received — demands to receive more than is due to him, and consequently maintains that, besides the capital, a profit is due to him, because of the loan itself. It is for this reason that any profit of this kind that exceeds the capital is illicit and usurious.
“And in order not to bring upon oneself this infamous note, it would be useless to say that this profit is not excessive but moderate; that it is not large, but small... For the object of the law of lending is necessarily the equality between what is lent and what is given back... Consequently, if someone receives more than he lent, he is bound in commutative justice to restitution...”
The interest in one of the factors that triggers inflation, and not the opposite. Pope John Paul II's encyclical letter Veritatis Splendor reminds us that there are intrinsic evils and absolute sins. To ignore them may suppress personal sin (according to St. Thomas Aquinas, the borrower commits no sin), but society pays for this misdeed, even at the cost of its own disappearance, and those who favor the ignorance of the sin of usury are responsible for endangering the survival of the population.
What comforts us, however, is that this condemnation of usury is repeated in the new Catechism of the Catholic Church, at the end of the comments on the Seventh Commandment.

Impossible contracts are null

It is impossible to pay back interest-bearing loans, either they are compound or not. Take the following example: Croesus borrows a principal of 100 at the birth of Christ. If one applies an interest rate of 10%, the sum to be paid back in the year 2000 is (100 x 1,12000), or six times ten to the power of eighty-four, or a number with 84 zeros, which simply blows the mind... It would represent 10 to the power of 68 houses for every person on earth. It is obvious that it is impossible to respect such a contract.
A French mathematician, M. Levy, showed that, after a while, all the wealth in the world will be owned by the banks, through the simple application of mathematical rules.
Money is a human creation which, if the interest is admitted, begets more money. This money is not only a sign; it really causes deaths and injuries, in every area. It is more prudent to forbid any new organism that is self-reproducing (like viruses, the development of new species in vitro, etc.), including abstract concepts like money that have consequences in real life. The common good called “money” is in the hands of people without scruples. It is a duty for society to take back control over the issuance of money.
It is said that everything has a cost, and so the interest would be the cost of money. However, money is not a thing, a commodity, but a sign, a common good that belongs to all, just like water or air. It is precisely the dream of the greedy to make people pay for the air and water they consume. Money is a universal, and to leave its creation into the hands of the supporters of death is a crime.
Today, money is more and more invested in labor-saving technology rather than in creating jobs. The interest causes the repayment of loans to the banks to go before the wages of workers, and to prefer to lay off these workers instead of paying them. This is how human rights work today: money, a sign or abstraction, comes before the human person, a reality. Where is the dignity of the fathers of families, who are not bankers? Besides, bankers do not have large families, for money comes even before their own children.

Abortion: a sacrifice to Moloch

This swindle of the “creation” of money by the banks, and the widespread use of interest on the loan of money, favor economic crises and abortion when loans have to be paid back. In Switzerland, the first reason given by women who had an abortion is the repayment of loans, contracted by themselves or their families. We know that there are other reasons (hedonism, selfishness, fashions, social pressure, frivolity, ignorance, etc.), but to shut up our eyes and do nothing against one of the causes is neither scientific nor Christian. To let the people who earn money without working (by collecting the interest on their loans) crush the poor who are defenseless, is ridiculous. However, to defend the poor is far from being ridiculous.
History of ancient Egypt shows the close link between mortgage rates and the decline, even disappearance, of the population. (See the analysis of Belgian historian Pirenne on the 20% rates that caused the deadly exposition of children to the sun.)
The new Catechism of the Catholic Church maintains the condemnation of interest and its harmful role at the end of the comments on the 7th Commandment, which forbids to steal. As lay people, we must make this condemnation understood by all, for it is a liberation for the poor; moreover, an economy based on investment in real developments and improvements (and not simply hoarding money through the gimmick of the interest rates), is much more dynamic, and favors a reduction of prices, while rewarding those who take risks in investing in new developments.
Justice is necessary to achieve holiness. It is too easy to wash one's hands of the matter by saying that one understands nothing in economics. Economics is not so complicated, especially when one takes the trouble to humbly study solutions that are finally more practical than those who manipulate public opinion want to make you believe.
For many centuries, the Church has been suffering, because her sons are prisoners of a huge disinformation campaign. Maurice Allais, 1988 Nobel Prize winner in Economics, wrote that the present international financial system is the biggest disinformation system in human history. The sons of darkness control this disinformation and crush the weak, often with the help of the ignorant of good faith. Let us unmask them, to give some fresh air amidst this general atmosphere of corruption.

What to do?

Why not react now? The human race has survived for centuries without this so-called creation of money at interest by banks, and even with no banks at all. So, why not abandon these inhuman and outrageous interest rates that know no limits and steal time from us as educators of our children? The interest is time stolen from fathers and mothers.
Nations spend billions for research in physics. Let us spend a few million to study more carefully the social doctrine of the Church and the practical solutions it entails in favor of a sound economy. Let us create a center of studies and formation for social action.
Let us make the promise made to Abraham possible. The earth is huge and generous, as well as the seas. All the serious experts, after long studies (cf. Julius Simon), admit that our planet can feed all the population to come in the future. In fact, those who believe that the earth is overpopulated neither believe in God nor in His promise. Let us learn again to utter this greeting of the sons of Abraham: pax, peace, shalom, salam... This peace, as Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, will come on earth only if abortions are stopped, and if we accept those who are different, the disabled.

A salary for housewives

Housewives, mothers who stay at home, work just as hard as those who are hired in the workforce. They deserve a real salary, which will create more job opportunities, boost consumption and the economy, and allow the Gross National Product to double. It was possible to finance two world wars, so there is no reason why it would not be possible to finance this wage to housewives. In Canada, it is estimated that the work of housewives represents 46% of the GNP. So it is simple justice, as Pope John Paul II said, to reward them with a salary.
Is it true that:
The less the children in a family, the less vocations to sharing and generosity?
The best school to teach the principle of subsidiarity is a large family?
The main flaw in world politics is this generosity in the existence of intermediary bodies?
The contraception mentality is directly aimed against large families?
The system of interest directly attacks the family?
The interest is a theft of time and children?
The creation of money through interest is a lie and a swindle, a theft to the detriment of future generations (unborn children)?
Can any person of good will take part in this slaughter, by action or omission? Can we stand up and stop this mechanism?
Is the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas on usury still valid today? Can the time that belongs to God be stolen? This is a good explanation for stress.
Any human invention that has no limits is monstrous; the system of interest rates has no limits. Moreover, a means of exchange, or unit of measurement, cannot multiply by itself. If money breeds more money today, it is at the expense of our own children. This is criminal!
It is easy to show that the present crisis is in large part due to this search for zero population growth, based on flawed facts and analysis. What a mistake it is to think that the earth cannot support all of the present population, whereas Europe alone could feed many times the world's population, not to mention the resources of the oceans that are barely developed.
For those who say: “We will have to change the way our deposits are managed in banks,” I reply: “This is true, and you will be rewarded a hundredfold, for a dynamic economy will benefit all, unless your selfishness make you sad to see others happy. How sad it would be it you were in such a situation, especially since you risk eternal damnation.
All this work is done with the hope that a few simple economic concepts can be explained for the good of the poor, the unborn, especially in Third-World countries. Don't believe those who complicate everything to keep their control over the economy, for billions of human beings will never be born because of this control. True love cannot accept interest, but it can accept just profit. Let us entrust the future of mankind to the family, with mothers having for their model, Mary.




Global Justice Movement

Debt Aids Trade Africa

Christian Ecology Link
Campaign for
Interest-Free Money
Thomas H Greco Jnr
Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation
John Ray
The Simultaneous Policy


for the Distributive Economy
Forum for
Stable Currencies





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