Usury & banks !
Dear Haim:
There is a scientific analysis of usury after this letter entitled "Goethe, Faust and the Euro". Here we analyze Aristotle's contention that usury was against nature in that the gold cannot produce the children to pay the interest. Let us say that there a 180,000 tons of gold in the world, and I lend them to Haim at 10% interest repayable in a year which would be a sin as you know, then at the end of the year Haim would not be able to pay the 198,000 tons of gold as 18,000 tons would not exist. Dante called this in his "Inferno" a sin against nature and placed the sodomist and the usurer on the seventh rung of Hell as sinners against nature. Here in Hell on the seventh rung would be the sodomist who made that which was fruitful unfruitful, and the usurer who made fruitful what was not fruitful, thus sinning against nature.
In England under King Edward the Pious the Jewish usurers would naturally come to control just about everything as in an essentially closed system where defaults would "naturally" take place as the gold was barren. However, Edward expelled all the usurers from England and confiscated their profits. That was the end of that. In Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" he has the usurer Shylock demand the pound of flesh even when the righteous judge offered him the usury and the principle in multiples but he insisted on his pound of flesh of Signor Antonio as he as a devout Venetian would not lend upon usury thereby jeopardizing the control mechanism. This is the genius of the play as it applies today as if you try to interfere with the Central Bank Control Mechanism you are dead as therein lies the control of the world. Lord Byorn completely understood this in his poem as follows:
Who hold the balance of the World? Who reign
O'er congress, whether royalist or liberal?
Who rouse the shirtless patriots of Spain?[615]
(That make old Europe's journals "squeak and gibber"[616] all)
Who keep the World, both old and new, in pain
Or pleasure? Who make politics run glibber all?
The shade of Buonaparte's noble daring?--
Jew Rothschild,[617] and his fellow-Christian, Baring.
There is added to this control mechanism what is called the hypothecation of money as described by Lord Bertrand Russell next:
The power of these manipulations are described by Lord Bertrand Russell as follows quoted from page 144 from his "ABC of Relativity":
"Abstraction, difficult at it is, is the source of practical power. A financier, whose dealings with the world are more abstract than any other practical man, is also more powerful than any other practical man.
In other words, by adding to the gold fiat money, which is an abstraction, you can create a control mechanism with usury that can control the world as the Rothschilds did for 250 years until the German Armies marched into Paris measure for measure singing songs of hatred against usury. As to the theory of relativity, it was disproved by the Sagnac experiments with comments below by Arno Penzias who won the Nobel Prize in Physics::
Einstein's Theory Of Relativity: