US frauds tested in Switzerland !


Main source: François de Siebenthal, Swiss citizen, ex-Secretary General of the Credit Suisse Vaud, ex-Consul General of the Philippines in Lausanne, formerly with IBM Lausanne and HP Geneva…

All information and more to be found here:


To be actualized with:

Union of Banks in Switzerland, alias UBS, ONU (UNO), OMS (WHO), BIS alias BRi (Basel Bank for International Settlements : )

Some important servers and IT services of the cheaters are located in the premises of the BIS in Basel, Switzerland and in those of the UN, OMS and Gavi (funded mostly by Bill Gates in Geneva, Switzerland). A reliable employee at the BIS has certified to us that people are all checked, including weighing, sic, at the entrance and exit of the banks and sometimes searched to avoid information leaks.

NOTE: All under total immunity and more than diplomatic protection
The electronic voting system used in the USA by Dominion voting was programmed by the bankrupt Spanish company SCYTL and now bought and promoted in Switzerland by the public owned company Swiss Post, contains serious flaws and most probably wanted and hidden from the conception! It's been years that flaws have been in the codes; designers don't seem in a hurry to fix them! Why not? To cheat better without leaving any trace! Worse.... a hacker contest has been launched by the Swiss post office to find the flaws... but according to the terms of the contract, it is impossible to reveal to the general public the existence of the flaws!... so it is out of the contest that an expert in electronic security denounces one of the flaws, among others.

SUMMARY publication swissinfo below: “Swiss e-voting just doesn’t meet the standards”

English(EN) Swiss Post set to relaunch its e-voting system

Sarah Jamie Lewis is a Canadian researcher who examined the source code used for electronic voting in Switzerland. This system belongs to the Swiss Post and was developed by the Spanish company Scytl. Sarah Jamie Lewis has published an analysis on the flaws discovered in this code and has evaluated the Swiss system on her Twitter account. We translated her tweets.

(If you need a translation of the full article, please use Translator)

Sarah Jamie Lewis est experte en sécurité informatique. Elle a travaillé pour le gouvernement britannique et est aujourd'hui membre de l'organisation de chercheurs Open Privacy. Twitter, (Adaptation et rédaction: Balz Rigendinger)

Deutsch (de) "Dieser Code entspricht schlicht nicht dem Standard"

Italiano (it) "Questo codice semplicemente non corrisponde agli standard"

Swiss Post set to relaunch its e-voting system

The controversial issue of e-voting is back: Swiss Post, which had halted the development of a project in July 2019, has bought a Spanish-owned system and plans to propose a platform ready for testing by 2021.

The purchase was reported on May 17 by the SonntagsBlick newspaper, which wrote that the deal between Swiss Post and Spanish firm Scytl had been settled for an unspecified amount.

The deal follows the bankruptcy of the Spanish company, with whom Swiss Post had been working on a system until flaws discovered last year sparked a political debate, which ended in the government dropping e-voting plans for the time being.

Swiss Post spokesman Oliver Flüeler confirmed to that last summer, despite the opposition, his company decided to continue developing a system on its own, and “after several months of negotiations” it secured the rights to the source code from Scytl.

The aim is now to propose an e-vote system by 2021 that “takes into account various federal particularities” and “responds even better to the high and specific requirements of a Swiss electronic voting system”, Flüeler said.

He added that Swiss Post takes public concerns about security and the role of foreign suppliers very seriously, but insisted that it doesn’t plan to go it completely alone.

“In future, Swiss Post will increasingly cooperate with Swiss universities of applied sciences, other higher education institutions and encryption experts,” he said. And “to guarantee maximum security at all times, Swiss Post “will reissue the new improved source code so that independent national and international experts can verify any weaknesses”.

E-voting was first introduced in Switzerland on a limited basis in 2003, as part of ongoing tests. However, political opposition and scepticism over the safety of such a voting channel has been a constant over the years, and again with this latest twist, not everyone is happy.

Franz Grüter, a right-wing parliamentarian who also heads a people’s initiative calling for a moratorium on e-voting projects in Switzerland, criticised the Swiss Post move and called for a parliamentary inquiry.

“There are good reasons to check whether Swiss Post – a state-controlled company – acted correctly and paid a fair price, because the whole thing seems to lack transparency,” he said.

The parliamentarian and IT entrepreneur added: “It’s hard to believe that Swiss Post has paid an undisclosed price for a system which we already know doesn’t work properly. In other countries, too, Scytl systems have experienced major problems. Perhaps that’s precisely why the company went bankrupt”.

He said Swiss Post should have started from scratch and developed an entirely new system, “which could have restored trust and therefore considerably reduced opposition to e-voting” – an opposition that is widespread in Swiss political circles.
Parliamentary test

Grüter, who has worked in the IT field for 25 years, says he’s not against e-voting as such, and that “the day will come when there will be an e-voting system that offers all the necessary security guarantees.”

But a “new start” and “at least 3-5 years of work” is needed to develop such a secure system, he says.

“This corresponds exactly to the moratorium called for by our initiative. If this period wasn’t necessary, I would be happy to withdraw the initiative. But with the current Swiss Post system, I see no other option than to block activities. It’s a shame.”

The campaigners behind the initiative may well achieve their objective without having to collect the required number of signatures (100,000) to force a popular vote. Last December, the House of Representatives approved a parliamentary initiative calling for a halt to all e-voting tests and projects until security problems were resolved and citizens were ready to assume the costs of an online voting platform.

The proposal has not yet been submitted to the Swiss Senate for approval, but Grüter does not exclude the possibility that Swiss Post’s “serious strategic error” will help his cause.

How e-voting became a fight for democracy

This content was published on Mar 24, 2019 Mar 24, 2019 After years of tests, Swiss e-voting is at a crossroads. The government wants to extend it; a cross-party campaign wants to stop it altogether.

HUGE: Dominion Voting Systems was sold to UBS Securities, a Chinese bank of $400M. Staple Street Capital (Equity Fund) sold Dominion Voting Sys. to UBS Securities- A Chinese investment Bank/Brokerage firm affiliated to Swiss Bank on 10/8/2020

How the Chinese Communist Party financed the Dominion voting system

SUMMARY: As the legal battle for the American elections is in full swing in the United States, more and more evidence is being made public. Dominion's parent company received massive funding of $400 million on the eve of the election.

We will see the complex financial scheme behind this financing by the Chinese Communist Party. In addition, the Chinese Foreign Ministry's "wolf-fighter" diplomacy has recently been revived. While Australia seems to be the first victim, we will see that the timing compared to the American elections is not insignificant.

(The video is in French. But all material shown on the screen is in English.)

4) French President Emmanuel Macron was elected thanks to cheaters based in Austin, Texas, USA, according to French politician François Asselineau


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